Parish of Cardiff held a Mothers Union Promotion Day following their services to share and celebrate the projects the ladies do for the community.
They shared photos of the Mothers Union ladies and the craft group cutting out the comfort cushions for breast cancer patients. They are currently holding working bees to make 100 cushions due to increased demand. Cushions are taken to Lake Macquarie Private Hospital Breast Cancer and Day Admissions wards and are provided free. They usually have several on hand for individual requests.
Our knitters make beanies for distribution to seafarers by the Mission to Seafarers and in December collect toiletries and other goods for gift packs to be distributed in Newcastle.
Contributing items for baby bundles provided to underprivileged new mums; knitted jackets for premature babies in Neo-Natal Intensive Care ward at John Hunter Hospital; squares for rugs distributed by Samaritans, beanies for patients staying at Ronald MacDonald House.
Supporting financially for projects in Northern Australia and overseas.
Volunteering for Coffee and Care at Worimi Children’s Court and a listening ear for young people and their support person waiting to appear.
We have a wonderful time of fellowship whilst supporting our Mothers Union.

Completed Breast Cancer Cushion