In the Newcastle Diocese and beyond many branches give 'Joy Boxes' as part of their ministry to those they feel need prayer and support during ill health, loss of loved ones, difficult times and much more. They are given to members of their congregation, those they know and to the wider community as a caring outreach. Branches receiving a 'thank you' made us much more aware and appreciative of the effect that it has on the person receiving such a gift. The gifts can be purchased or handmade. Suitable gifts are items such as fridge magnets, candles, needle and pin holders, cakes of soap, envelopes with stamp and pen, handkerchiefs, bookmarks, lavender sachets, or brooches. Availability, imagination, and talent provide the needed gifts.

You will find sheets of cards you can download and print by clicking on the 'Gift Tag' to use with the individual gifts.
Find 8 gifts from the list below.
Wrap each one individually
Place ribbon with a prayer on each gift
Optional: place a helpful quote in the bottom of each box (pages 10-11 double sided)
Place all gifts in a box, (a colourful or white box)
Tie with a ribbon and attach card with the recipient's name on it.
A great activity for one of your meetings where you can sit and have a chat or pray quietly as you wrap each gift.
Examples, taken from the “Shoebox Gifts” are:
· Something to see; e.g. bookmark, fridge magnet
· Something to smell; e.g. soap, pot pouri sachet, scented candle
· Something to write with; e.g. pen, decorated pencil, notebook
· Something to hold; e.g. handkerchief, small tissue holder, cross
· Something to read; e.g. little book, booklet, fridge magnet with poem or Bible verse
· Something to use; e.g. pincushion, scarf, oven mitt, tea towel
· Something to do; e.g. puzzle book, writing set, a little book of poetry or verses.
· Something to love; e.g. decorative heart, heart broach, handmade brooch
Try to avoid “something to eat”, as if the box is being stored, the gift may not keep. Also, if it is given to someone in hospital, it may not be appropriate.
For more information and ideas go to


*Blankets – (1)
crochet, patchwork or fleece
Cot (90 cms x 130 cms)
Bassinet or pram (90 cms x 65 cms)
*Wraps: (3)
crochet (80 cms x 80 cms) 1or Double flannelette (1)
Single flannelette (2) or Muslin (2)
*Bath Towels blue or white ($3 each from K-mart) (1)
*Washers (2)
*Disposable nappies (12)
*Short sleeve jumpsuits (2)
Size 0000 or 000
Summer long sleeve and leg jumpsuit (1)
or Terry Towelling Jumpsuit (Bonds or similar) Size 0000 or 000
*Cotton socks (2)
Size Newborn 000-1
*Summer caps (2)
*Winter jumpsuits (2)
Size 0000 – 000
Terry towelling jump suit (1) Size 0000 – 000
*Knitted beanies (3)
we still need these for the bundles, they are only banned for NICU babies
* Knitted woollen cardigans/jumpers (1-2)
*Bootees (3 pairs)
*Knitted teddy (1)
*Pack maternity sanitary napkins (with wings)

Baby Wool 3 ply Needles: 11 or 12 needles
Front: cast on 50 stitches. Make a border either K1,P1, or K2,P2 for 8 rows
Work 36 rows in St St to under arm.
To form:
Sleeve: Cast on 14 stitches at beginning of next row, work the 50 stitches of front,
cast on 14 stitches to form 2nd sleeve (78 stitches)
Work 16 rows in St St *
Neck: work 34 stitches, cast off 10 stitches, work to end of row
Shape shoulder as follows
1st row ; K2 tog neck edge
2nd row; K2 tog neck edge work row
3rd row: K2 tog neck edge
4th row: work with no decrease
5th row K2 tog neck edge
6th, 7th,8th rows—no decrease
9th row : cast off
Complete other shoulder in the same way
Back: Work as for front to *
Work further 5 rows
Shape neck as follows
Work 30 sts, cast off 18 sts, work 30 sts
Work 3 rows for shoulder and cast off
Work 3 rows for second shoulder and cast off
To make up: Sew up right hand seams only. Commencing at bottom left front, work 2 rows of double crochet up left side, armhole, across shoulder, front neck, right shoulder, down right armhole etc, right around the remainder of the garment.
Close shoulders and left side with snap fasteners—sew to double crochet. Sew both pieces of the snap on the INSIDE of the garment openings i.e. the wrong side, not the conventional way of one piece of snap on the right side and the other on the inside.