Sunday 8th December

Advent Hope

‘After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.
“The time has come,” he said, “the kingdom of God has come near.
Repent and believe the good news!”’

(Mark 1:14-15).

A friend of mine who cares for people in palliative care tells me that you can tell the difference
between those who have no hope and those who do.
Those who know Jesus have hope and so, peace.
The message of Jesus gives us hope. We must be ready for when Jesus returns.
The world around us does not care. For them this life is all that matters.
But we believe that there is a wonderful new heaven and earth to be revealed when Jesus comes.
The key to being ready is what Jesus teaches us here: repent and believe.
Turn to Jesus and trust him for forgiveness and salvation.
Then whether you go to be with him or he returns before we die, you will be ready.
When we do this, we have the gift of hope.

Question for thought: Am I hoping in Jesus?

 Heavenly Father, we thank you for the stability in Namibia over the last years
and for the growth in Mothers Union. Bless the many activities they do to support family life
and meet the needs within the community.
May the love of Christ shine through in all they do.  AMEN.

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