A Voice for the Vulnerable
‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of those who are destitute’
(Proverbs 31:8).
We sometimes forget what the impact of the biblical faith has been in our community.
You can see it in schools, hospitals, aged care homes, missions, accommodation for the homeless
and much more. Even charities which are secular often had Christian origins.
All this is wonderful and shows how our ancestors had an eye for those in need, the vulnerable.
Is this still the case? We are sometimes blind to the real problems which surround us,
including the spiritual problems, and we do nothing to help.
We cannot solve all the world’s problems, but we can express
the love which God has taught us in caring for the needy.
Question for thought: Do I pray for those in need?
Almighty God, may you grant wisdom to Mothers Union members at
All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi, Kenya as they serve families where there is
high unemployment, crime, poverty and food insecurity.
May they point those in their care to Jesus who is the anchor for our soul.