Gender Justice Matters
‘But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream.’
(Amos 5:24)
Recently, my husband has been dismayed to find young women offering
him their seat on the bus, out of respect for the elderly.
He always takes it! Do we think that this action is wrong?
Surely it arises from the honour we owe another person and our willingness
to recognise differences. When we think of gender justice it is always calls
upon us to respect others while observing differences. But in a sinful world far too often
people use such differences to their own advantage and subdue and exploit them to their own ends.
Devastating consequences can and do ensue as women in particular are abused and disempowered.
We need to be courageous enough to condemn such things and work for a change of heart in those who do them.
Question for thought: Can you see that gender justice matters?
‘Lord of justice and mercy, we praise you for your perfect pattern how to treat everyone,
women and men alike, with equal value. Give us grace to follow your example,
that we may be agents of change for good.’ (Mothers Union Prayer Diary 2024)
We pray for Mothers Union members in Ottawa Canada as they assist parents
in raising their children through the program ‘Parents Supporting Parents.’