News and Info
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Crafty Ladies
Two Mothers Union Lone Members from the Parish of Gloucester, Pat Green and Julia Hamberger, have been busy crafting and collecting items for Mothers Union Baby Bundles. Twelve shopping bags... Continue reading→
First Council Meeting – Raymond Terrace
We welcomed Fr Garry Dodd from Mission to Seafarers in Australia as our guest speaker. Fr Garry's passion for the seafarers is very evident in the way he spoke of... Continue reading→
Overseas Target Fund
Dear DPs and Executive, Attached is a flier giving more information about out Overseas Target Fund for the next two years. The project is happening in partnership, through Anglican Overseas... Continue reading→
Welcome Fr Zeb – Kotara
The Anglican Parish of Kotara South: Church of the Good Shepherd Today we welcomed Reverend Nicole Baldwin from the Anglican Parish of Branxton Greta Lochinvar and Chaplain to Mothers Union... Continue reading→
2nd Council Meeting 2021 – New Lambton
The 2nd Council Meeting was held 25th June, All Saints ANew. Executive read reports updating us on what is happening (hopefully) in the coming months. Laurel lead us in song... Continue reading→
John Hunter Says Thank You
It has been many years that we in the Newcastle Diocesan AMUA have supported the NICU [Neo Intensive Care Unit}, at John Hunter Hospital, in Lambton, Newcastle. At present we... Continue reading→
Mothers Union The Entrance Closes
In February during the healing service at All Saints The Entrance the branch was officially closed. Leonie Toovey represented the Diocese and we were most grateful for her time and... Continue reading→
Merewether Mothers Union Knitters
Merewether Mothers Union have been busy during the COVID 19 lockdown, and completed 12 woollen rugs for Jenny's Place . The photo shows some of the knitters with the Reverend... Continue reading→
50 years Membership Celebration
Phil Wiseman (L) and Elaine Richards (R) were presented with their 50 year membership by Denise Brown. The presentation took place in President Lola Reinhart home.